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Our Instant Relief organic EO blend does exactly what is says.  15 ml  contains Ginger, Black Pepper, Clove, Arnica and Fractionated Coconut Organic oils. Arnica and Ginger Root herbs were infused with this blend making is a Natural powerful pain relief alternative.


Ginger Oil soothes aches, and reduces inflammation. Black Pepper EO relieves aches and pains. The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory agents, these anti-inflammatory properties will help ease the inflammation and also have a cooling effect. It is an excellent pain reliever for muscle pain and joints.  Arnica Oil is an herbal formulation that is used topically for bruises, swellings, joint pain, inflammation, or sore muscles.


This is our "GO- TO" EO for relief of muscle and joint pain and inflammation.

Instant Relief Organic Essential Oil Blend 15 ml

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